Start options, Start countdown – B&G Deckman User Manual
Page 71

Chapter 4: Start display
Start options
In the Start display, selecting menu>options allows you to set the length
of the boat in order to show distances in boat lengths and the Laser to
bow distance, for users with a laser rangefinder version of Deckman.
This box also provides a choice of fonts for the start display. Multihull
Beam (ft) specifies the total beam of the boat in feet, and GPS to CL
(ft) specifies the distance from the GPS antenna to the centre line of the
boat in feet. For monohulls these will generally be zero but if distances
are specified then Deckman will shift the position of the boat (and hence
all the calculation of times and distances) to the bow of the float or hull
which is nearest to the start line (an approximation is made in that it is
assumed that the lengths of all hulls are the same).
Start countdown
Hitting menu>start countdown brings a dialog controlling the
countdown for the start, as shown in Figure 4.5
Click on the box at the top and enter the time (format mmss), then
START. The Sync timer option allows you to force the time to the
nearest minute if you miss the signal slightly initially. Once a
countdown has started, the Continue button will change to reset
allowing you to begin the countdown again from the time specified in
the Countdown time box. Once the countdown reaches zero, Deckman
will automatically rollover into a new countdown beginning from the
time specified in the Countdown time box. After this, if you hit
Figure 4.5