Start information – B&G Deckman User Manual
Page 67

Chapter 4: Start display
Start information
The Start display contains a Data bar similar to that in the main
Navigation where you can view any data variables you choose. When
the Start display is open, select menu>Databar to toggle this on or off.
This data bar then operates in exactly the same way as the Navigation
data bar (see page 1.1 for details).
At the top of the display in the centre are two numbers: the one on top
shows the perpendicular distance from the bow to the line (in the
presently selected units, metres or boat lengths, see below) whilst
underneath is shown the countdown to the start. The other numbers at
the top of the display show (from left to right) distance and time: to the
port end of the line, to the intersection of the start line with a starboard
tack layline drawn from the boat's present position, to the intersection of
the start line with a port tack layline drawn from the boat and to the
starboard end of the line.
The figures at the bottom of the display show the following:
Bearing down the left layline, adjusted for current
line wind direction, i.e. the wind direction required
for the line to be neutral
the distance in the presently selected units (see
below) which the line bias is worth
the angle of line bias, along with the favoured side (P
or S)
Bearing down the right layline, adjusted for current
Distances (D) can be given either in metres (in which case an 'm' will be
shown after the D, as in the diagram) or boatlengths (which must be set,
see Start options on page 4.6). To switch between the two, choose
menu>toggle units. There are also two possible ways of viewing the
time: if a 'B' follows the 'T' then the times are presented as "time to
burn", i.e. the difference between the time remaining and the time it will
take to cross the line. Obviously, this will only be displayed if the
countdown has started. Choose menu>toggle time to change between
these time formats.
Note. ‘Time to burn’ will appear as negative if you are late for the start!