Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual
Page 319

An academic license may be purchased by any accredited institution where the main focus
is on educating students and/or providing research. Many commercial organizations also
have an academic component that offers training or teaching, such as service companies
and hospitals. The organization’s focus cannot be on supporting external systems, such as
non-profit / for-profit hospitals, technology institutes, or think tanks. Unless education is
the primary service delivered by the institution, it will be considered to be commercial
unless prior written authorization from Rockwell Automation is obtained.
Use of the license seats are bound to the college/department that has purchased the seats
(for example, if the engineering department purchased the seats, the software can be used
only by that college, not shared with the business college). Only currently enrolled and/or
registered students and currently employed professors and staff within the purchasing
college/department are authorized to use Arena academic software. This includes
currently enrolled and/or registered students who are currently enrolled in a course in the
license-owning college or in a multidisciplinary course included in the license-owning
college. Upon request by Rockwell Automation, You agree to provide proof of such
enrollment and/or employment.
Use of the academic-licensed software for commercial use is a violation of the end user
license agreement (EULA). The use of the Arena academic licensed software is not
permitted for commercial, professional, commercial training, or other for-profit purposes.
While it is common for sponsoring corporations to provide funding for projects, that
funding should be in the form of a grant to the academic institution and not to the
individual groups, professors/advisors guiding the research or student project work, or
other affiliated groups established by or employing the professors/advisors within the
institution. This includes instances where the academic user has an ongoing relationship
(other research projects) with the corporate sponsor. Money transfer can also be
characterized where an internal “cost equalization” takes place between departments or
organizations. Use of the academic license for commercial purposes could result in
revocation of the academic-licensed software.
The distribution of the model (.doe), program file (.p), templates (.tpl and .tpo) for a study
is prohibited without approval by Rockwell Automation. Data and visuals (including
displaying animations that use file types like .avi, .wav, etc.) may be presented as part of
analysis that is publicly shared (e.g., contained within a published thesis or paper). If the
commercial institution and/or organization outside of the license-holding college
participating in the research or study request the model and/or templates for the study,
please contact the Arena sales representative in Your region for assistance on how to
transfer the model legally.