Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 282

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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software


Cost by Group Pie Chart

This sample MPR script generates a report with a pie chart showing cost by group. Each
group consists of multiple utilities and each utility has its own rate schedule. The utility costs
for each group are prorated based on the monthly site rate schedule for the utility. Rate
schedules must be set up to support cost allocation. See

Use the MPR for Cost Allocation

on page 228


The script uses the Groups collection and the Group, PieChart and Report objects. It is
designed for Select By Groups.

Sub Main()

Dim group As Group

Dim cost As Double

Dim pieChart As New PieChart

For Each group In Report.Groups

cost = group.CostAllocate("Electric Billing Report", "Electric
Cost Allocation")

cost += group.CostAllocate("Gas Billing Report", "Gas Cost

cost += group.CostAllocate("Water Billing Report", "Water Cost

pieChart.AddData(group.Name, cost)

Next group

Report.Add(pieChart, 0, 0, 7.5, 7.5)

End Sub

Fiscal Calendar Listing

This sample report generates a listing of the configured fiscal calendars, starting with the
most recent fiscal month in the selected report period. It uses a number of MPR objects
and methods, including a Grid object, the Report.FiscalMonths collection, and the
AddFiscalMonths method.

Sub Main()

'Create your script code here

Dim objGrid As New Grid()

Dim objCol As Col

Dim objRow As Row

Dim objFM As FiscalMonth

Dim intItem As Integer

objCol = objGrid.AddCol("FY")

With objCol

.Width = 0.6

End With

objCol = objGrid.AddCol("Month")

With objCol

.Width = 1.0

End With

objCol = objGrid.AddCol("Weeks")

With objCol

.Width = 0.6