Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 118

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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software


The times of use can be referenced in scripts by name excluding all blank space
characters. For example, if you specify time of use named ‘Off Peak’, it should be
referenced in scripts as


Assign Global Variables

The Global Variables tab lets you declare global variables that can be used by all line item
scripts. You can declare a global variable and change its value in any line item script, and
it will retain the value across the following line item scripts. You can also declare
constants for values that will not be changed by line item scripts.

You can declare global variables (or constants) by using the Dim (or Const) statement and
assign default values. Use the following syntax:

Dim MyVariable [As ] [= ]

Const MyVariable [As ] =

In this tab you can only declare global variables or constants and set their default value.
You cannot write any script code. Click Validate to verify the syntax of your declaration

Set up Line Item Charges

Select the Line Items tab in the Edit a Rate Schedule screen. Click the ‘Add a line item’

1. Enter the line item Description. The description may be any string and appears in the

billing report.

2. In the Edit Line Item screen, enter the optional Group title.

In Peak, Average, and Min functions the calculation interval
includes the time of use end point but does not include the start
point. For example, if time of use starts at 6:30 and ends at
17:30, a Peak calculation will be performed on logged data in
the range from 6:31 to 17:30. The Total function calculation
interval includes both start and end points.