Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 206

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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software


Rate Schedule Setup

Before you set up an efficiency report, set up a Rate schedule that defines the efficiency
calculation. Enter the efficiency calculation in Line Item 1 in the rate schedule. Set up the
line item script to perform the efficiency calculation and set the Quantity variable to the
result. A sample line item script for calculating boiler efficiency (in British units) is
provided below:

Dim avg_gas, avg_steam



if avg_gas=0



Quantity=avg_steam*99.4 / avg_gas

end if

Efficiency Report Setup

To set up an electrical summary report, navigate to the Reports tab in the navigation tree.
Select the Global Reports folder or a domain. When the screen refreshes, click the Add
button to set up a new report.

The Add a new report screen appears. Enter the report options into the data fields. When
you have completed entering the options, click Save to create the new report or Cancel to
abandon your changes.


These are the options available in the efficiency report.

Report Name
Enter a name for the new report.

Report Template
Select Efficiency from the pull-down menu.

Report File
Use the default file Efficiency.rpx.

Report Parent Group
Leave None selected for a Global report or select a parent group from the pull-down

Meter Selections
Select Meters or Groups from the tree in the Add a Report screen. Click the Select by
link to toggle between by Meters and by Groups selection criteria.

Rate Schedule
Select the rate schedule that contains the efficiency formula for the report.

The script example utilizes user-defined value types Steam Flow
and Gas Flow.