Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual
Page 20

FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software
The rate schedule model is designed to be very flexible so you can accommodate a wide
variety of utility tariffs.
Multi-purpose Report Scripts
The Multi-purpose Report (MPR) is a free-form report driven by script code stored in a
Multi-purpose Report Script. The MPR is part of the
A MPR Script defines what a MPR contains and what it looks like. A MPR script is
conceptually similar to a rate schedule. Like a rate schedule, an MPR script is combined
with selected meters or groups to form a specific report instance. This allows a script to be
reused for different meters and groups.
MPR scripts are listed in a new sub-tree under the System tab and can be Global or
assigned to a domain.
MPR scripts contain Visual Basic for .NET scripting that utilizes the MPR object model to
select and format the content of the report.
MPR users are assumed to be familiar with FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix, in particular with
its reporting and rate schedule functionality, and the Visual Basic for .NET scripting
You can select one or more of the following elements, or objects, when configuring an
MPR. Each provides a different way to view your energy, cost and production data.
A Grid displays data in tabular format. The MPR script contains code that creates a Grid,
specifies the number, width and heading text of columns, and populates the rows of the
grid with data.
Bar Chart
A Bar Chart displays a bar graph of data. The MPR script contains code that creates a bar
chart, defines the x and y axes and selects the data to be displayed in one or more data
Trend Chart
A Trend Chart displays a line graph of data. The MPR script contains code that creates a
trend chart, defines the x and y axes and selects the data to be displayed in one or more
data series.
Pie Chart
A Pie Chart displays a series of data as wedges of different sizes in a pie-shaped graphic.
The MPR script contains code that creates a Pie Chart and populates it with data.
Bar chart series can be mixed with trend chart series in the same
chart. Charts may have multiple Y axes.