Set up a report – Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual
Page 107

Visualize Energy Usage
5. Click the forward and backward buttons to display the next and previous months
6. Use scroll bars as needed to view the entire calendar display.
To zoom-in, click on a day in the calendar. You can select up to five days by clicking
on each one at a time.
7. To save the trend chart's data series as a .CSV file, click Export Data.
Set up a Report
Follow these steps to set up a report.
1. Navigate to the Reports tab in the navigation tree.
2. Select the Global Reports folder, another Domain, or an existing report.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter a name for the report.
5. Select a Report template from the pull-down menu.
Do not change the selected Report file.
6. Select a Report parent group.
If you select a domain, only users with access to that domain will be permitted to
view the report.
7. In the meter selection window, navigate to and select meters to include in the report.
8. Click the meter selection box.
A check mark appears when the meter is selected. You can also select groups.
To select groups, click the Select by Groups link at the top of the window. Use the
Select all or Clear all links as appropriate.
9. Optional ReportsPlus reports permit you to select among several output options.
10. When you have finished setting up the report, click Save, or click Cancel to discard
any changes you have made.