Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 246

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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software



Value type or tag related methods (for example, Average, and Peak) of the Group object
return aggregated results based on all meters included in the selected Group(index).Meters
collection. For more information on usage of the methods, refer to the applicable rate
schedule functions.



As String | MeterID As Integer)

Adds an existing Meter to a Group object. The meter can be specified by
using either its fully qualified path name (example
‘PlantDomainName.DepartmentName.MeterName’) or its Meter ID number.

DateTime startDate, DateTime

Calculates the average of the specified value type over the report date/time
range (or the specified date/time range if optional startDate and endDate
arguments are present). Returns a Double value

CostAllocate(billingReport As
costAllocationRateSchedule As
String[, DateTime startDate,
DateTime endDate]) As Double

Calculate the cost allocation by using the specified billing report and rate
schedule for the report date/time range (or the specified date/time range if
optional startDate and endDate arguments are present)

DateTime startDate, DateTime

Returns the value of the most recent instance of the selected ValueType with
a time stamp less than or equal to the report startDate (or specified startDate
if optional startDate and endDate arguments are present). Returns a Double
value. If no value is found, returns the value Double.NaN. If multiple targets
are active within the group then the values are aggregated and their total is

DateTime utcTimeStamp)

Returns the value of the most recent logged value of the selected ValueType,
looking back from the utcTimeStamp argument for a duration of one logging
interval. The result is an Object variable which contains the tag value or
Nothing if no tag value can be found

GetTagData(int meterTagId,
DateTime utcTimeStamp)

Returns the value of the most recent instance of the selected meterTagId,
looking back from the utcTimeStamp argument for a duration of one logging
interval. The result is an Object variable which contains the tag value or
Nothing if no tag value can be found


Returns a String containing the Units value associated with the selected
value type

DateTime startDate, DateTime

Returns the smallest instance of the selected ValueType over the report date/
time range (or the specified date/time range if optional startDate and endDate
arguments are present). Returns a Double value

ue[, DateTime startDate, DateTime

Returns a DateTime structure containing the UTC time stamp of the smallest
instance of the selected ValueType over the report date/time range (or the
specified date/time range if optional startDate and endDate arguments are

NLowest(ValueType.enumValue, int
N[, DateTime startDate, DateTime

Returns a Double array of N elements containing the N smallest instances of
the selected ValueType over the report date/time range (or the specified date/
time range if optional startDate and endDate arguments are present)