Ratchet function – Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual
Page 132

FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software
The following example assigns a proration factor as a global variable for Demand charges
if the billing report period is less than or greater than a month.
'Declare a global variable
Dim dblProRateFactor As Double
'In the first line item, add following script
dblProRateFactor = 1
If BillingPeriodDayCount < 28 Or BillingPeriodDayCount > 31 Then
dblProRateFactor = ProRateMonthlyCharge(1)
End If
'In Demand line items, multiply the Charge by the proration
If Charge = 0 then Visible = False
Quantity = Peak(ValueType.RealPowerDemand)
Unit = "kW"
RatePerUnit = 2.35 'rate per kw of demand
Charge = Quantity * RatePerUnit * dblProRateFactor
Ratchet Function
The Ratchet function returns the maximum of the selected value logged during the defined
period, defined by the endDate and intervalInMonths arguments, as well as the periods
defined by the SeasonType, DayType, and TimeOfUseType (or StartHour and EndHour)
arguments. The Ratchet function is generally used for rate-of-change values such as
demand real and reactive power (kW, kVAR). It returns a Double value.
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, [endDate],
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, SeasonType.enumValue,
[endDate], intervalInMonths)
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, SeasonType.enumValue,
DayType.enumValue, [endDate], intervalInMonths)
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, DayType.enumValue,
[endDate], intervalInMonths)
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, startHour, endHour,
[endDate], intervalInMonths)
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, TimeOfUseType.enumValue,
[endDate], intervalInMonths)
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, SeasonType.enumValue,
DayType.enumValue, startHour, endHour, [endDate],
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, SeasonType.enumValue,
DayType.enumValue, TimeOfUseType.enumValue, [endDate],
Quantity = Ratchet(ValueType.enumValue, DayType.enumValue,
TimeOfUseType.enumValue, [endDate], intervalInMonths)