Custom tab – Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual
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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Web Interface Tour
Load Factor Report
The Load Factor report lists minimum, average and peak real power demand, load factor
and time of peak demand. You can select Meters to include in the report, as well as the
report date range and calculation intervals. The report output contains a tabular report and
a graphical chart.
Power Factor Report
The Power Factor report lists real energy net, reactive energy net, and power factor (which
is calculated from the real energy and reactive energy values) for selected meters for a
selected date range divided into specified calculation intervals (hours, days, or months).
Report output is tabular with a chart of power factor on the first page.
Electrical Summary Report
The Electrical Summary report lists various electrical summary values for selected meters
for the selected date and time period, including Total Energy kWh, kVARh and kVAh,
Average Demand for kW, kVAR and kVA, Load Factor for kW and kVA, and Min and
Max values for kW, kVAR, kVA and Power Factor and the date/time they occurred along
with the coincident values for the other parameters.
Custom Tab
The Custom tab contains links to web pages or graphics that you select by using the
Manage custom pages link. Custom pages can be configured in one of two ways:
Upload a file which is then stored in the database
A URL that opens a web page