Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 263

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Selecting Groups and Meters in the MPR

It is important to understand the relationship between the Group and Meter selections
made when setting up a Multi-purpose Report and the methods for accessing the selected
Groups and Meters in the MPR script.

The members of the Groups, Meters, and Nested Groups collections are selected in the
Reports Plus setup screen selection tree. The organization and membership of the
collections depend upon the Select By mode chosen. Note the Select All and Clear All
links to assist in selection.

Select By: Groups is the default mode. Click the underlined link to change the selection
mode to Select By: Groups and Meters. The active selection mode is not underlined.

Select by: Groups

Select By: Groups adds each selected Group into the Report.Groups collection. This is a
flat array of groups organized in the order the selected groups appear in the tree, from top
to bottom. All meters in each selected Group are added into the
Report.Group(index).Meters collection, where index = 0, 1, 2, …, up to the number of
groups selected-1.

Select By: Groups also adds the top group in each selected subtree to the
Report.NestedGroups collection. Then each child group in each selected subtree is added
to each top group's group.Groups collection. This process continues until all selected
groups have been added to a hierarchical collection of Group objects that mimics the tree
structure of the report selection tree. All meters in each group are added to the applicable
group.Meters collection.




Row(Index As Integer)


The data at column Index. The first column is Index
value zero.