Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 213

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Rich Text Box

The Rich Text Box provides a way to place text on a MPR. The MPR script contains code
that creates the Rich Text Box and controls its location, size, content, and formatting.

Page Header and Footer

The page header contains identifying elements such as the report title, the report headings
from the Group setup, the report time range and time zone, and a user-selectable graphic

The page footer contains the report page number and the date and time the report was

MPR script code controls the header graphic element selection and the visibility or the
header and footer.


Intervals provide an easy way for MPR script code to process data in intervals specified by
the user when they run a Multi-Purpose Report. Interval types are Day, Week, Month.
Enable Intervals by selecting the Use Intervals checkbox on the MPR script setup screen.


The Excel report object moves the report output and formatting from the MPR script into
Excel. Since the report output is now Excel all of the functionality of Excel is now
available to the report.

MPR Scripts are written in the Microsoft Visual Basic for .NET scripting language.
Selected elements of scripting are discussed in this topic. For further information on the
Visual Basic for .NET language, please refer to the Visual Basic Language Reference
available online at

(remote link).

Creating a New MPR Script

MPR scripts can be Global or assigned to Domains and are organized in the Multi-purpose
Report Scripts folder under the System tab. Follow these steps to create a new MPR script.

1. In the Multi-Purpose Report Scripts folder, select the Global folder or the desired


2. Click the link ‘Add a multi-purpose report script’.

3. In the screen that appears, enter a Name (required) and any optional Notes.