UVP Doc-It Life Science User Manual
Page 78

Performing 1D Analysis
When selecting theses reports notice the various fields being selected/deselected from the list of data
fields. Select from:
Image Information
Bands for each lane
Molecular weights
To Show Filtered Data
To the right of the data fields is the actual analysis data, which includes the fields currently selected. Next
to the image name there is a + symbol which indicates all of the analysis data is minimized under the
image name.
To show the analysis data, click the + symbol.
To further expand the data views for the individual categories, select the + symbol to the left of
each category.
To filter the data further, select/deselect the appropriate data fields on the left side of the Data
Explorer window.
Note: Any data column can be removed from the report by clicking and dragging that data column back
to the data field on the left side.
Definition of Fields
Image information Report
Image Name: Name of the opened image.
Number of lanes: Number of lanes found.
Background Color: Background color of the image.
Background Correction: Type of background correction applied.
Disk Radius: Radius of the Rolling Disk background correction type when is applied.
Lanes Constant: Shows if the lanes have the same width.
Lane Sum: Shows if the bands’ mass sum up to the lane’s value.
Lanes Straight: Shows if the lanes are forced made vertical.
Lanes Report
Lane Id: ID of the current lane.
Name: User defined name for the current lane.
Start: Starting pixel (in offset from top) of the current lane.
End: Ending pixel (in offset from the top) of the current lane.
Width: Width of the current lane.
Mass: Mass for a specific lane as defined by the user in the lane properties window. Default is