Pseudocolor, Pseudocolors – UVP Doc-It Life Science User Manual
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Using Image Filters
To Enter Notes
Display the Image Information window as described above.
In the Properties tab, type information into the Notes text box.
Click OK.
Calibrating Image Scale
Each image in LS software can have a scale associated with it. Scaling information is used to display
rulers, measure length and measure area annotations. Refer to Spatial Calibration for information on
using this tool.
Images scanned into the system from a scanner or imported from another program are not calibrated. In
these two cases, therefore, you may wish to adjust or to set the image's scale.
An uncalibrated image will have "Pixels" as the unit type. If the unit type is Pixels,
the number of units is the number of pixels in the image width and cannot be
The Pseudocolor applies a false-color spectrum to a monochrome or colored image. This process is
sometimes called "colorizing." There are two primary reasons for using pseudocolor:
To make the image look more like what might be seen under a microscope with various kinds of
lighting, primarily for comparison purposes.
To highlight specific intensities for analysis purposes. For example, one of the pseudocolor
spectrums highlights black (intensity 0) pixels with blue and white (maximum intensity) pixels with
red. This identifies the undersaturated and oversaturated parts of the image.
Go to View > Plugins to load the Pseudocolor plug-in.
Pseudocolor Spectrums
LS software supplies built-in pseudocolor spectrums:
Over-Undersaturation: Colors pixels in top 5% of dynamic range red and next 5% as yellow. For
example, in a 12-bit image, pixels with intensities 4095 to 3891 (5% range) will be colored red
and the next 5% range 3890 to 3685 will be colored yellow. There is no indication for
undersaturated pixels.
Ethidium Bromide: Mimics the colors used in Ethidium Bromide gel preparation.
Fluorescein: Mimics the colors used in the Fluorescein process.
Green Fluorescent Protein: Mimics the green fluorescent protein colors.
Texas Red: Mimics the colors that appear with a Texas Red stain.
SYBR Gold: Mimics the colors that appear with a SYBR Gold stain.
SYBR Green: Mimics the colors that appear with a SYBR Green stain.