1 configuring process data (pdo mapping), Configuring process data (pdo mapping), 8process data transfer – Lenze E94AYCET User Manual

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Process data transfer


Configuring process data (PDO mapping)


Lenze · E94AYCET communication module (EtherCAT®) · Communication Manual · DMS 9.0 EN · 02/2014 · TD17

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Configuring process data (PDO mapping)

Individual setting of the PDO mapping via the Lenze »Engineer«
The PDO mapping must be set in the »Engineer« if ...

• the "empty application" has been selected in the basic device as a starting point for a technology


• own ports are created for a technology application of the standard device. (Only possible with

activated application in the »FB Editor«.)

Setting PDO mapping with the »Engineer«

( 61)

Setting of the PDO mapping exclusively via the EtherCAT configuration software

In order that the predefined PDO mapping from the device description file can be used, a standard

technology application must be configured in the standard device. Moreover, the standard ports of

the configured standard technology application must be used.


No application must be downloaded in the "Safe-Operational" or "Operational" state,

since the PDO mapping of the EtherCAT master may differ from the PDO mapping of the

drive (slave).


In the »Engineer« "Process data object structure: PDO_RX0 / PDO_TX0" dialog, mapping

is not displayed if it has been set exclusively through the EtherCAT configuration


Configuring the controller (EtherCAT master)

( 31)

The current mapping is entered in the mapping codes.

Mapping indices and codes

( 63)