Edit memories, Edit a memory – ETC SmartFade ML v3.0.1 User Manual
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SmartFade ML v3.0.1 User Manual
Edit Memories
Every memory can be edited blind (fader at zero) or live (fader at full). Device parameters
are always “live” regardless of fader positions. It is possible to erase all memories at once.
See “Erase Functions” on page 26.
Edit a Memory
1. Activate Edit mode
All buttons with content that can be edited will
blink at full (press CLEAR to exit).
2. Select memory (change
page if necessary).
The moment the bump button is pressed, this
memory is selected for editing. EDIT and
CLEAR will blink.
3. Edit intensities or device
Programming functions
Make any changes with all normal program-
ming functions for intensities and devices.
Intensities are edited with intensity faders.
Levels may have to be matched by the faders
before they can be changed.
Parameters are edited for the selected
device(s) with the parameter wheels, or
parameter faders. To delete a parameter,
press the corresponding bump button.
Palettes are edited by selecting device(s)
and then palette.
4. Confirm editing or exit
without changes
As soon as EDIT is pressed the changes are
stored. The console will automatically return
to its previous fader mode. Press CLEAR to
exit without storing changes. Press UNDO to
revert to the previously recorded values.