Despatch P1400+ Temperature Controller User Manual
Page 93

Also refer to
Process Variable
Retransmit Output
Retransmit Output 3 Scale Minimum
Range Upper Limit
Retransmit Output 3 Scale Minimum
Type: General Parameter
Defines the value of the process variable, or setpoint, at which Retransmit Output 3 will be at its
minimum value. It is similar to Retransmit Output 1 Scale Minimum.
Display code =
, default value = Scale Range Lower Limit.
Also refer to
Process Variable
Retransmit Output
Retransmit Output 3 Scale Maximum
Range Lower Limit
Type: Controller Tuning Parameter
- Refer to
Automatic Reset
Scale Range Upper Limit
Type: General Parameter
For linear inputs, this parameter is used to scale the process variable into engineering units. It
defines the displayed value when the process variable input is at its maximum value. It is adjustable
from -1999 to 9999 and can be set to a value less than (but not within 100 units of) the Scale Range
Lower Limit, in which case the sense of the input is reversed.
For thermocouple and RTD inputs, this parameter is used to reduce the effective range of the input.
All span related functions work from the trimmed input span. The parameter can be adjusted within
the limits of the range selected by Configuration Mode parameter
. It is adjustable to within 100
degrees of the Scale Range Lower Limit.
Display code =
, default value = 1000 for linear inputs or range maximum for temperature inputs.
Also refer to
Input Span
Process Variable
Scale Range Lower Limit
Scale Range Lower Limit
Type: General Parameter
For linear inputs, this parameter can be used to display the process variable in engineering units. It
defines the displayed value when the process variable input is at its minimum value. It is adjustable
from -1999 to 9999 and can be set to a value more than (but not within 100 units of) the Scale
Range Upper Limit, in which case the sense of the input is reversed.
For thermocouple and RTD inputs, this parameter is used to reduce the effective range of the input.
All span related functions, work from the trimmed span. The parameter can be adjusted within the
limits of the range selected by Configuration Mode parameter
. It is adjustable to within 100
degrees of the Scale Range Upper Limit.
Display code =
, default value = 0 for linear inputs, or range minimum for temperature inputs.
Also refer to
Input Span
Process Variable
Scale Range Upper Limit
Secondary Proportional Band
Type: Controller Tuning Parameter
The portion of the input span over which the Secondary Output power level is proportional to the
process variable value. It may be adjusted in the range 0.0% (ON/OFF) to 999.9%. The Control
action for the Secondary Output is always the opposite of the Primary output.
The Secondary Proportional Band is only applicable when Dual Control Type is used.
Display value =
, default value = 5.0%.
Also refer to
Control Action
Control Type
On-Off Control
Input Span
Primary Proportional Band