How to use this manual – Despatch P1400+ Temperature Controller User Manual
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How to use this manual
This manual is structured to give easy access to the information required for all aspects of the
installation and use and of the products:
Section 1:
- A brief description of the product range.
Section 2:
- Unpacking, installing and panel mounting instructions.
Section 3:
Plug-in Options
- Installation of the plug-in option modules.
Section 4:
Wiring Guidelines
- Guidance on good wiring practice, noise avoidance, wiring
diagrams and input/output connections.
Section 5:
Powering Up
- Powering up procedure and descriptions of displays & switches.
Section 6:
Messages & Error Indications
- Display Messages and fault indications.
Section 7:
Operation Modes
- Describes operating modes common across the range. These
include Select Mode for gaining access to the Setup and Configuration menus, Automatic tuning
on controllers and the Product information menus.
Section 8:
1400+ Model Group
- Describes unique operating features of these process
controllers. It covers the Configuration, Setup & Operator menus, Communications parameters,
adjusting Setpoint, use of Manual Control and PID auto-tuning.
Section 9:
Manually Tuning Controllers
- Advice on manually adjusting the Process and
Valve Controllers tuning parameters.
Section 10:
Modbus Serial Communications
- Details the physical layer and message
formats used for the Modbus communications protocol common to all products in the range.
Section 11:
ASCII Serial Communications
- Details the physical layer and message formats
used for the ASCII serial communications protocol available on some products.
Section 12:
Calibration Mode
- Step-by-step instructions to calibrate the instrument. This
section is intended for use by suitably qualified personnel.
Appendix 1:
- Explanations of the terms used and product features.
Appendix 2:
- Technical specifications for all products in the range.
Appendix 3:
Product Coding
- Product model/ordering codes.