Label shift – Dascom 7010 Programmers Manual ZPL User Manual

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installed will determine the maximum length of the label.

Default Values:

A value must be entered or the command is ignored

101.6mm(4.00inch) using 8 dot/mm printhead


If multiple ^LL commands are issued in the same label format, the last ^LL command will also

affect the next label unless it is prior to the first ^FS.


Maximum Label Length


The ^ML command lets you adjust the maximum label length.

Format: ^MLa


a = maximum label length(in dot rows)

Accepted Values: 0 to maximum length of label

Default Value: last permanently saved value


In order for calibration to work properly, you must set the maximum label length equal to or greater

than your actual label length.


Label Shift


The ^LS command is used to shift all field positions to the left.

If the print position is less than 0,set ^LS to 0.

This command must come before the first ^FS command. Once you have issued an ^LS command,

the setting is retained until you turn off the printer or send a new ^LS command to the printer.

But if you execute “Save Setting” on operation-panel, the setting isn’t saved.

Format: ^LSa


a = shift left value(in dots)

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