Dakota Ultrasonics MINI--MAX User Manual
Page 87
MINI-MAX Ultrasonic Bolt Tension Monitor
Evaluate the Error: Compare the difference between the physical and
ultrasonic lengths. If the error exceeds 0.0005” the temperature must be
adjusted, and the CAL procedure repeated for 3” & 6” bars – Setting Up the
MINI-MAX for Measurement.
Note: This shouldn’t be necessary when using the glass block as the
calibration standard.
Calculating Temperature Adjustment: Use the difference between the
physical and ultrasonic lengths of the 6” bar only and multiply the error by 3.
This is the same as OVER correcting the error by 300%.
[(Ultrasonic Length 6” Bar) – (Physical Length 6” Bar)] * 3
example using the equation above:
[ ( 6.0077 ) – ( 6.0049 ) ] * 3 = 0.0084”.
The over corrected error must now be subtracted from the physical length
of the 6” bar: 6.0049” – 0.0084” = 5.9965”
26) Press the MEAS key once to activate measure menu items. Press the
MEAS key multiple times to move right and the ESC key multiple times
to move left until the TEMP cell is highlighted.
27) Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the temperature value
until the measured value is reading the over corrected value calculated
Note: Lower temperatures will make the bolt read longer, and higher
temperatures shorter.
28) Repeat steps 14 – 25 above to re-calculate the zero value using the
adjusted temperature setting.