Dakota Ultrasonics MINI--MAX User Manual
Page 34

Dakota Ultrasonics
Backup Grid: Enables the user the ability to backup groups currently stored in
the MINI-MAX to a PC via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the
MINIMAXview software for a complete electronic manual.
Restore Grid: Enables the user the ability to restore groups currently saved on a
PC to a MINI-MAX via RS232 port. Refer to the help section of the MINI-
MAXview software for a complete electronic manual.
About: Provides the user with Dakota Ultrasonics contact information and the
MINI-MAX software version.
4.12 CLR (clear) Key
The primary functions of the CLR key, is to clear a measurement from a group
cell location, and backspace in an Alpha Edit Box. If a user has already saved
a measurement and waveform to a cell location, use this key to clear the
measurement at any time.
4.13 MEAS (measurement mode) Key
The MEAS key puts the MINI-MAX into its primary mode of operation. In this
mode, the user has a complete view of the LCD, as well as control of the Hot
Menu Functions. These hot functions provide the user with the ability to make
crucial adjustments to the display, waveform settings, and access group storage
locations without having to search through the menu and sub menu items. It’s
important to first get familiar with moving around in the hot functions as follows:
Getting Around in the Hot Menus
Press the MEAS key at any time to return to the primarily measurement