Dakota Ultrasonics MINI--MAX User Manual
Page 12

Dakota Ultrasonics
This section allows the user the ability to select a material from a list of
preset material types. Keep in mind that we are measuring elongation only.
If your material is not in the list, select a similar material type. When
measuring in elongation mode, the measurement consists of a difference
equation only (Loaded Length – Unloaded Length =
Δ Length). Therefore,
it doesn’t matter if the ultrasonic length is different from the actual physical
length, because the
Δ Length will be the same. Example: 2.0080” physical
loaded length – 2.0000” physical unloaded length = 0.0080”
Δ Length which
is equivalent to 2.1080” ultrasonic loaded length – 2.1000” ultrasonic
unloaded length = 0.0080”
Δ Length.
1) Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the sub menu items
until TYPE is highlighted.
2) Press the ENTER key to display the list material types.
3) Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the material list
until the appropriate type is highlighted.
4) Press the ENTER key to display the confirmation screen.
5) Press the OK key to select the type and return to the menu screen, or
ESC to cancel selecting the material type.
3.4 Creating a New Group to Store Measurements
Now that the MINI-MAX is all setup, this section will explain how to get started
measuring unloaded initial lengths. In order to do this, we need to create a group
that contains bolts. A group can have up to 250 bolts, each bolt containing 1
reference length (L-REF), and up to 51 elongations. Keep in mind that the MINI-
MAX uses a group to store measurements and all gauge settings at the time of