Dakota Ultrasonics MINI--MAX User Manual

Page 31

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MINI-MAX Ultrasonic Bolt Tension Monitor


Threshold: Enables the user to set the sensitivity level of the MINI-MAX. The
amplitude of the signal must reach and exceed the threshold level before a
measurement is detected. Refer to section 12.5 for further info.

Polarity: The MINI-MAX operates on a zero crossing detection principal. This
feature toggles which stroke of the cycle the crossing detection uses, either
positive or negative. Refer to 13.3 for further info.

Pulse: The MINI-MAX has an adjustable pulse width for both high penetration
and resolution requirements. The pulse width refers to the duration of time the
pulser is on. The options are Spike, Thin, and Wide. Refer to 13.1 for a further

Rect Waveform: This option provides the user an outlined or filled view option
when the display setting is in RECT (rectified) wave mode only. Refer to 13.4 for
further info.

4.7 AUTO – Menu

Auto Set: Automatically locates the detection point if the measurement is out of
the viewable display area. Used when measuring reference lengths only. Refer
to section 12.9 for further info.

Approx Len: In order for the user to use the Auto Set feature, an approximate
length of the fastener must be entered. The approximate length gives the MINI-
some idea of where to turn on the receiver and look for the detection, or
end of the bolt. This sub menu item enables the user to edit the effective length
at anytime. Refer to section 12.9 for further info.

Measure Mode: Used to select the measurement mode for different application
requirements. The mode options are P-E (pulse-echo), or P-E GT (pulse-echo

Gate: Gates allow the user to view areas or sections of the waveform and ignore
others. Refer to section 12.6 for further info.