Dakota Ultrasonics MINI--MAX User Manual
Page 25
MINI-MAX Ultrasonic Bolt Tension Monitor
elongation measurements. This will eliminate any potential sound path
error caused by moving the transducer to a completely different location on
the bolt, thus causing potentially erroneous measurements. Be consistent
and as methodical in your methods as possible. This will help to avoid
transducer placement errors.
1) Press the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the target
cell cursor to the desired storage location.
Note: Elongation values must be stored in column B - ZZ.
Note: Do Not press the AUTO SET key, while measuring elongation’s, as
this activates a high speed mode used specifically with our shut-off box.
The AUTO SET feature is only used when measuring reference lengths. If
the AUTO SET key is accidentally pressed, press it again to turn the high
speed mode off.
2) Press the ENTER key to save the current elongation in the highlighted
cell location.
Note: If the measurement was saved in error, press the CLR key at
anytime to clear the stored reading and re-measure using steps 1 & 2
3) Continue to repeat this process until all the elongation measurements
have been completed.
Note: The Group View Box can be aborted at any time by pressing the
MEAS key.