AMX Modero NXD/NXT-1200VG User Manual
Page 7
Table of Contents
VG-Series Modero Touch Panels
Upgrading the Back Box with the MB-TP17 VESA Housing .................................... 63
Installing the NXD-1700VG within a CB-TP17 Conduit Box .......................................... 69
Installing the NXD-1700VG into drywall using Expansion Clips .................................... 71
Installing the NXD-1700VG into a Flat Surface using #6 screws ................................... 74
Installing an NXD into an (optional) Rack Mount Kit (NXA-RK17) ................................. 77
Step 3: Confirm and View the current AMX USB device connections ........................... 89
Step 4: Using a USB to Configure a Virtual Master (using NetLinx Studio) ................... 90
Step 5: Confirm and View the current AMX USB device connections ........................... 91
Wireless Settings Page - Wireless Access Overview ............................................... 92