AMX Modero NXD/NXT-1200VG User Manual
Page 151
Firmware Pages and Descriptions
VG-Series Modero Touch Panels
Video - Streaming Settings Page
The Streaming Settings page (FIG. 110) adjusts the Video properties of the incoming MPEG video
streaming from the external content server.
Refer to the Displaying Stream Content section on page 169 for the procedures used to configure the
TPD4 touch panel pages and media stream source (using MAX-CSE for example purposes).
The elements of the Streaming Settings page are described in the table below:
FIG. 114
Streaming Video Adjustment page (showing default values)
Streaming Settings Page Elements
Saves the changes and returns you to the previously active touch panel page.
Connection Status icon:
This visual display of the connection status allows the user to have a current
visual update of the panel’s connection status regardless of what page is
currently active.
• A Lock only appears on the icon if the panel has established a connection
with a currently secured target Master (requiring a username and password).
• The Default Settings button sets the streaming video settings to their default
values (indicated in this table).
• The Undo Changes button disregards any changes made on the page since
the last settings were saved.
• The Save Settings button saves any changes made to the Video Setup page.
Video Settings:
• The Sharpness button toggles the Interpolate (Sharpness) feature.
Default = On.
• The Interlace button toggles the Interlacing feature.
Default = On.
This read-only field displays the video stream information
(Video Streaming format and resolution).
• The properties of this incoming (detected) stream is given as: Video Codec
and Resolution.
• An example would be: MPEG2 720x480. This means that the incoming video
is an MPEG2 video stream with resolution 720x480.
(Short for enCOder/
DECoder or COmpressor/
• Supported MPEG codecs: MPEG-2 or MPEG-4
• MPEG-2 is typically used to encode audio and video for broadcast quality
signals. The MPEG-2 is enhanced by using MPEG-1's audio (MP2)
component to allow the coding of audio programs with more than two
channels. Video quality is noticeably higher with MPEG-2 vs MPEG-4.
• MPEG-4 is currently used as a standard for the web (streaming media) and
CD distribution, conversational (videophone), and broadcast television. The
biggest difference between these two encoding types is that MPEG-4 uses
about 1/3 to 1/2 less bandwidth for the same quality of video.
Incoming Streaming Video signal