Button commands, Ani ^apf – AMX Modero NXD/NXT-1200VG User Manual
Page 202
VG-Series Modero Touch Panels
"^" Button Commands
These Button Commands are used in NetLinx Studio and are case insensitive.
All commands that begin with "^" have the capability of assigning a variable text address range and button
state range. A device must first be defined in the NetLinx programming language with values for the
Device: Port : System (in all programming examples - Panel is used in place of these values).
Variable text ranges allow you to target 1 or more variable text channels in a single command.
Button State ranges allow you to target 1 or more states of a variable text button with a single
"." Character is used for the 'through' notation, also the "&" character is used for the 'And'
TPD4 Border Styles by Name (Cont.)
Border styles
Border styles
Menu Right Rounded 145
Oval H 150x75
Menu Right Rounded 155
Oval H 200x100
Menu Right Rounded 165
Picture Frame
Menu Right Rounded 175
Quad Line
Menu Right Rounded 185
Single Line
Menu Right Rounded 195
Oval V 30x60
Menu Rounded Spacer - Vertical
Windows Style Popup
Menu Rounded Spacer - Horizontal
Windows Style Popup (Status Bar)
Menu Top Rounded 55
Menu Top Rounded 65
"^" Button Commands
Run a button
(in 1/10 second).
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
start state = Beginning of button state (0= current state).
end state = End of button state.
time = In 1/10 second intervals.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^ANI-500,1,25,100'"
Runs a button animation at text range 500 from state 1 to state 25 for 10 second.
Add page flip
action to a button
if it does not
already exist.
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
page flip action =
Stan[dardPage] - Flip to standard page
Prev[iousPage] - Flip to previous page
Show[Popup] - Show Popup page
Hide[Popup] - Hide Popup page
Togg[lePopup] - Toggle popup state
ClearG[roup] - Clear popup page group from all pages
ClearP[age] - Clear all popup pages from a page with the specified page name
ClearA[ll] - Clear all popup pages from all pages
page name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters.
SEND COMMAND Panel,"'^APF-400,Stan,Main Page'"
Assigns a button to a standard page flip with page name 'Main Page'.