3 vertical alignment signals, Figure 12, An269 – Cirrus Logic AN269 User Manual
Page 22

Vertical Alignment Signals
Timings for a single vertical frame can be seen in
. The timing of the synchronization signals is
determined by the vertical frame timing registers VLinesTotal, VSyncStrtStop, VActiveStrtStop, VBlank-
StrtStop, and VClkStrtStop.
“Using the Horizontal and Vertical Counter for Timing-Signal Generation” on page 4
for a description
of the vertical timing registers.
Recall from above that the timing specifications for this type of display interface will list a VCSYNC Width,
Vertical Back Porch Width, Vertical Front Porch Width, Vertical Valid, and Vertical Blank lengths.
The VLinesTotal register will hold the total length of a single frame measured in horizontal lines. It is the
sum of the Vertical Valid (tVACTIVE) region, the Vertical Front Porch Width (tVFRONTPORCH), the VC-
SYNC Width (tVSYNC), and the Vertical Back Porch Width (tVBACKPORCH). The equation for this is
shown here (tVERT is calculated in
VLinesTotal = tVERT – 1
Note that 1 is subtracted for the total as this is a 0-based counter implementation. Also, all measurements
are assumed to be in periods of horizontal lines. All other signals are determined using this as a time base.
To determine when the VCSYNC, BLANK, and SPCLK signals should become active during a frame, it
is easiest to draw them out as shown in
. This diagram shows the line counter along the bottom,
starting at VLinesTotal and counting down to 0. Each frame starts with the counter set to VLinesTotal. It
Single Video Frame
Back Porch Interval t
Front Porch Interval t
Active Video
Figure 12. HSYNC/VSYNC Video Frame