2 switched 12 v control, 3 relays and relay drivers, 4 component built relays – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

Page 62: Figure 33: control port current sourcing

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Section 5. Measurement and Control Peripherals

Figure 33: Control Port Current Sourcing Switched 12 V Control

The SW Battery port can be set low (0 V) or high (12 V) using the SWBatt ()

instruction. The port is often used to control low power devices such as sensors

that require 12 V during measurement. Current sourcing must be limited to 900

mA or less at 20°C. See

TABLE. Current Sourcing Limits

(p. 38).

A 12V switching circuit, driven by a digital I/O port, is also available from

Campbell Scientific.

Note The SW Battery supply is unregulated and can supply up to 900 mA at

20°C. See

TABLE. Current Sourcing Limits

(p. 38). A resettable polymeric

fuse protects against over-current. Reset is accomplished by removing the load

or turning off the SW Battery for several seconds. Relays and Relay Drivers

Compatible, inexpensive and reliable single-channel relay drivers for a wide

range of loads are available from various electronic vendors such as Crydom,

Newark, Mouser, etc. Component Built Relays

FIGURE. Relay Driver Circuit with Relay

(p. 51) shows a typical relay driver

circuit in conjunction with a coil driven relay which may be used to switch

external power to some device. In this example, when the control port is set

high, 12 V from the datalogger passes through the relay coil, closing the relay

which completes the power circuit and turns on the fan.