2 sdi-12 programmed mode, Figure 44: entering sdi-12 transparent mode – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

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Section 11. Programming Resource Library

appears on the screen as shown in

FIGURE. Entering SDI-12 Transparent Mode

(p. 117). Press until the CR200(X) responds with the prompt

“CR200(X)>”. Type “SDI12” at the prompt (without the quotes) and press

. An “Entering SDI12 Terminal” response indicates that SDI-12

Transparent Mode is active and ready to transmit SDI-12 commands and display

responses. The command entered cannot exceed 12 characters. For example

"0XCONFIG2=1!" is a 12 character command. This feature may limit using the

extended commands offered by some sensor manufacturers, but it will not affect

standard SDI-12 measurement commands and data queries.

Figure 44: Entering SDI-12 Transparent Mode SDI-12 Programmed Mode

Routine SDI-12 measurements require that issuance of commands and

interpretation of sensor responses be automated. Commands entered into the

SDIRecorder () instruction differ slightly in function from commands entered in

transparent mode. In transparent mode, for example, the operator manually

enters aM! and aD0! to initiate a measurement and get data, with the operator

providing the proper time delay between the request for the measurement and

the request for the data. In programmed mode, the CR200(X) provides

command and timing services within a single line of code. For example, when

the SDI12Recorder() instruction is programmed with the M! command (note

that SDI-12 address is a separate parameter), the CR200(X) issues the aM! AND

aD0! commands with proper elapsed time between the two. The CR200(X)

automatically issues retries as well as other services designed to make the SDI-

12 measurement work as trouble free as possible.

TABLE. SDI-12Recorder ()


p. 118 summarizes CR200(X) actions triggered by some

SDI12Recorder commands.