2 sensor support, 3 input / output interface: the wiring panel, 1 measurement inputs – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

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Section 3. Overview

3.1.2 Sensor Support

Read More! See Sensor Support (p. 37)

The following sensor types are supported by the CR200(X) datalogger.

Analog voltage

Analog current (with a shunt resistor)

Resistive bridges

Pulse output

Period output

Frequency output

SDI-12 sensors

A library of sensor manuals and application notes are available at to assist in measuring many sensor types. Consult with a

Campbell Scientific applications engineer for assistance in measuring unfamiliar


3.1.3 Input / Output Interface: The Wiring Panel

The wiring panel of the CR200(X) is the interface to all CR200(X) functions.

Most CR200(X) functions are best introduced by reviewing features of the

CR200(X) wiring panel.

FIGURE. CR200(X) Wiring Panel

(p. 5) illustrates the

wiring panel and some CR200(X) functions accessed through it.

Read More! Read

Measurement and Control Peripherals

(p. 49) for more

information. Measurement Inputs

Measurements require a physical connection with a sensor at an input channel

and CRBASIC programming to instruct the CR200(X) how to make, process,

and store the measurement. The CR200(X) wiring panel has the following input


Analog Voltage: 5 channels (SE 1–5).

Input voltage range: 0 mV to 2500 mV.

Measurement resolution: 0.6 mV