Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

Page 181

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Appendix A. Glossary


A feature of an electronic circuit that impedes or redirects the flow of

electrons through the circuit.


A device that provides a known quantity of resistance.


A measure of the fineness of a measurement. See also

Accuracy, Precision,

and Resolution

(Appendix p. 13).

ring line (Pin 3)

Line pulled high by an external device to "awaken" the CR200(X).

Ring Memory

A memory configuration for data tables allowing the oldest data to be

overwritten. This is the default setting for data tables.

RMA Number

Return Materials Authorization number. Obtain an RMA number from a

Campbell Scientific applications engineer PRIOR to sending any equipment

for repair.


Root mean square or quadratic mean. A measure of the magnitude of wave

or other varying quantities around zero.


Recommended Standard 232. A loose standard defining how two

computing devices can communicate with each other. The implementation

of RS-232 in CSI dataloggers to PC communications is quite rigid, but

transparent to most users. Implementation of RS-232 in CSI datalogger to

RS-232 smart sensor communications is quite flexible.

sample rate

The rate at which measurements are made. The measurement sample rate is

primarily of interest when considering the effect of time skew (i.e., how

close in time are a series of measurements). The maximum sample rates are

the rates at which measurements are made when initiated by a single

instruction with multiple repetitions.

scan (execution interval)

The time interval between initiating each execution of a given Scan

interval. If the Execution Interval is evenly divisible into 24 hours (86,400

seconds), the Execution Interval is synchronized with 24 hour time, so that