6 procedure (short cut steps 12 –18), Figure 15: short cut outputs tab – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

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Section 2. Quickstart Tutorial

Figure 15: Short Cut Outputs Tab

Procedure (Short Cut Steps 12 –18)

1. By default, there are two Tables initially available. Both Tables have a

Store Every field along with a drop-down box to select the time units.

These are used to set the time interval when data is stored.

2. Only one Table is needed for this tutorial, so Table 2 can be removed.

Select Table 2 by clicking on its tab, and then click on Delete Table.

3. Change the Table Name to OneMin, and then change the interval to 1

minute (Store Every 1 Minutes).

4. Adding a measurement to the table is done by selecting the

measurement under Selected Sensors, and then clicking on one of the

processing buttons in the center of the window.

5. Click the Default sensor (battery voltage) and click the Minimum

button. Click the 109 temperature sensor and click the Average button.

Click the TE525 rain gauge sensor and click the Total button.

6. Click the Default sensor (battery voltage) and double click the

Minimum button. Click the 109 temperature sensor and double click

the Average button. Click the TE525 rain gauge sensor and double

click the Total button.

7. Click the Default sensor (battery voltage) and double click the

Minimum button. Do not store the time of minimum. Click the 109

temperature sensor and double click the Average button. Click the

TE525 rain gauge sensor and double click the Total button..