1 programming with short cut, 1 short cut programming objectives, 2 procedure (short cut steps 1–6) – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

Page 25: Figure 11: pc200w main window

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Section 2. Quickstart Tutorial

Figure 11: PC200W Main Window Programming With Short Cut

Short Cut Programming Objectives

This portion of the tutorial will use Short Cut to create a program that measures

air temperature (°C) with a 109 Temperature Probe, and rainfall (mm) with a

TE525WS rain gage. The CR200(X) will take samples every ten seconds and

store averages of these values at one minute intervals.

Even if the 109 Temperature Probe and TE525WS Rain Gage sensors are not

available, the programming example can still be followed. Without a 109 probe

connected the measurement result will be NAN; without a TE525WS connected

the measurement result will be 0. A rain gage can be simulated by straightening

a segment of each of two paper clips and inserting the straightened segment of

one paper clip into P_SW and the adjacent ground channel. To simulate a rain

gage tip, squeeze the paper clips together until they touch and then allow them

to spring apart.

Procedure (Short Cut Steps 1–6)

1. Click on the Short Cut icon in the upper-right corner of the PC200W

window. The icon resembles a clock face.