2 continuous measurements command (arv!), 2 sdi-12 communications, 1 sdi-12 transparent mode – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

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Section 11. Programming Resource Library

logger issues aD1!, aD2!, etc., until all data are received. The limiting

constraint is that the total number of characters that can be returned to a aDv!

command is 35 characters (75 characters for aCv!). If the number of characters

exceed the limit, the remainder of the response are obtained with subsequent

aDv! commands wherein v increments with each iteration.

Continuous Measurements Command (aRv!)

Sensors designed to continuously monitor the measured phenomena, such as a

shaft encoder, do not require a measurement command (e.g., aMv!). They are

read directly with the aRv! command. If a sensor cannot perform continuous

measurements, then it responds to aRv! with the sensor address.

11.4.2 SDI-12 Communications

The CR200(X) supports SDI-12 communication through two modes –

transparent mode and programmed mode.

Transparent mode facilitates sensor set-up and troubleshooting. It allows

commands to be manually issued and the full sensor response viewed.

Transparent mode does not log data.

Programmed mode automates much of the SDI-12 protocol and provides

for data recording.

Multiple SDI-12 sensors can be connected to an SDI-12 input: . If multiple

sensors are wired to a single channel, each sensor must have a unique address.

SDI-12 standard v 1.3 sensors accept addresses 0 - 9, a - z, and A - Z.

If program mode communications is not successful, NAN will be loaded into the

first variable specified in SDI12Recorder () instruction. See Section

NAN and


(p. 153) for more information. SDI-12 Transparent Mode

System operators can manually interrogate and enter settings in probes using

transparent mode. Transparent mode is useful in troubleshooting SDI-12

systems because it allows direct communication with probes.

Transparent mode may need to wait for commands issued by the programmed

mode to finish before sending responses. While in transparent mode, datalogger

programs may not execute. Datalogger security may need to be unlocked before

transparent mode can be activated.

Transparent mode is entered while the PC is in telecommunications with the

datalogger through a terminal emulator program. It is easily accessed through

Campbell Scientific datalogger support software, but may also be accessible

with terminal emulator programs such as Windows Hyperterminal. Keyboard

displays cannot be used.

To enter the SDI-12 transparent mode, enter the support software terminal

emulator. Click the “Open Terminal” button. A green “Active” indicator