1 addressing, 1 address query command (?!), 2 change address command (aab!) – Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

Page 126: 3 send identification command (ai!), 2 start measurement commands (am! & ac!)

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Section 11. Programming Resource Library Addressing

A single probe should be connected to an SDI-12 input when using these


Address Query Command (?!)

Command ?! requests the address of the connected sensor. The sensor replies to

the query with the address, a.

Change Address Command (aAb!)

Sensor address is changed with command aAb!, where a is the current address

and b is the new address. For example, to change an address from 0 to 2, the

command is 0A2! The sensor responds with the new address b, or in this

example 2.

Send Identification Command (aI!)

Sensor identifiers are requested by issuing command aI!. The reply is defined

by the sensor manufacturer, but usually includes the sensor address, SDI-12

version, manufacturer's name, and sensor model information. Serial number or

other sensor specific information may also be included.

An example of a response from the aI! command is:



Address = 0

SDI-12 version =1.3

Manufacturer = NRSYSINC

Sensor model = 100000

Sensor version = 1.2

Serial number = 101 Start Measurement Commands (aM! & aC!)

A measurement is initiated with M! or C! commands. The response to each

command has the form atttnn, where

a = sensor address

ttt = time, in seconds, until measurement data are available

nn = the number of values to be returned when one or more subsequent D!

commands are issued.