Campbell Scientific CR200/CR200X-series Dataloggers User Manual

Page 191

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Appendix B. Status Table and Settings

Table 27. CR200(X) Settings

Settings are accessed through Campbell Scientific's Device Configuration Utility (DevConfig) for direct serial

connection, or through PakBusGraph for most telecommunications options.



Default Entry

1 Sec
Indicates that the radio receiver is to use the one second duty


8 Sec
Indicates that the radio receiver is to use the eight second duty


1 Sec with Long Header
Indicates that the radio receiver will use the one second duty

cycle and that the radio will transmit a one second long header

before sending data if the time since last transmission is over

one second.

8 Sec with Long Header
Indicates that the radio receiver will use the eight second duty

cycle and that the radio will transmit an eight second long

header if the time since the last transmission is greater than

eight seconds.

Pin Enabled
Indicates that the radio receiver is to be turned on only when

the RF_ForceOn status table variable is enabled.


Identifies the manufacturer


PakCtrl Command Codes

Identifies the list of PakBus PakCtrl Interface command codes

that the logger will accept.

2 7 8 9 12

BMP5 Command Codes

Identifies the list of PakBus BMP5 Interface command codes

that the datalogger will accept.

9 23 24 26 27 28 29


Model Number

Identifies the model number assigned to this datalogger


RF Protocol

Identifies the radio protocol that will be used for the CR2xx. In

order to be compatible with other CR2xx and RF400 type

devices, the default value of transparent must be used. The

following values are supported:

This mode is compatible with older CR205 and RF400

operating systems.

PakBus Aware
This mode can be used in networks involving

RF401/RF411/RF416 hardware or other, newer CR20x,

CR211/CR216 devices and makes use of the retry capability

inherent in the MaxStream radios. This mode is not compatible

with the older radios.
