Webapps tab, Support tab, Help tab – HP Insight Management Agents User Manual

Page 28: Webapps tab support tab help tab

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Webapps tab

The Webapps tab lists out all Webapps installed in SMH. Integrated agents are shown in the
Home section only. Other agents can be opened here by clicking in the link with its name.

Figure 1-13 System Management Homepage — Webapps tab

Support tab

The Support tab contains of links to available support services like – ProLiant Essential Software
Info, Integrity Essential Software Info, Support Links, and Forum links.

Help tab

The Help page provides help for the HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH) and its
webapps. Using the search option, you can search for a keyword in SMH help and the selected
webapps. If the search criterion is valid, a list of all documents matching the query appears.

Replicating passwords and configuration data across multiple devices

If your enterprise has numerous devices and you want to share common passwords, configuration
information, and certificates of trusted HP Systems Insight Manager servers, you can copy certain
files from the desired device to the other devices.

To replicate the user passwords, replicate \compaq\wbem\cpqhmmd.acl

To replicate the Management HTTP Server configuration information, replicate the following:



To replicate the certificates of the trusted HP Systems Insight Manager servers, replicate all files
that exist in \compaq\wbem\certs

After the desired files have been replicated to a given device, the Management HTTP Server
must be restarted for the changes to take affect.


HP Insight Management Agents for Servers