Tasks tab, Logs tab, Tasks tab logs tab – HP Insight Management Agents User Manual

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You can also change the order in which boxes and items in boxes are displayed. You may choose
to display items either alphabetically or by status, in which case more critical items are listed

Tasks Tab

The Tasks tab displays links to task-oriented pages provided by participating HP Web-Enabled
System Management software.


If the HP Web-Enabled System Management software provides no tasks, the Tasks tab

is not visible.

Figure 1-11 System Management Homepage — Tasks tab

Logs tab

The Logs tab includes various log information like Integrated Management Log, HP Version
Control Agent Log, Integrated Lights-Out Log, and System Management Homepage Log. Any
logs contained in the installed HP Web-Enabled System Management software can be displayed
on this tab. For example, if the Version Control Agent is installed, a link to the Version Control
Agent log is displayed on the Logs page. You can access the entry point to the log shown by
clicking the link.

Figure 1-12 System Management Homepage — Logs tab

System Management Homepage tabs