2 business copy/snapshot planning and design, Consistency group system requirements – HP XP RAID Manager Software User Manual

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2 Business Copy/Snapshot planning and design

This chapter describes requirements for setting up and using SS and includes data pool sizing

Consistency group system requirements

The following table includes a list of consistency group system requirements.


Many of these requirements are augmented with restrictions.



BC/SS is required to operate SS. Install and enable the P9500 (P9500) storage
system hardware, microcode, and software required for BC/SS operations.


Consider the capacity of the volume when purchasing licensed capacity.
Capacity for SS is part of the licensed capacity for BC/SS. Ensure that the

License capacity

licensed capacity for BC/SS is more than the combined capacity needed for
both software applications.

The number of software applications using a volume does not increase the
amount of licensed capacity that you must purchase.


Shared memory

SS/VFS1: 716.8 MB (RACK model is supported up to VFS1.)

SS/VFS2: 1,021 MB (VFS1 + 307 MB)

SS/VFS3: 2,045 MB (VFS1,2 + 1024 MB)

SS/Extension 1: 4,096 MB (SS/VFS1 + 3379.2 MB)

P9500 storage systems can handle a 7.15 TB database with seven generations.

Verify that your system is installed with the appropriate SS V-VOL management


You cannot share the V-VOL management area memory with Thin
Provisioning (THP).

RAID Manager is required for you to perform SS pair operations. RAID Manager
requires that you use one volume as a command device.

RAID Manager

For more information about setting up the RAID Manager, see the HP XP P9000
RAID Manager Reference Guide

The P-VOL, V-VOL, and volumes must be logical volumes (LDEVs).

Volume type

For more information about volume type, see the following:

“Data pool requirements and restrictions” (page 13)
“External volumes” (page 22)

To maintain performance levels, use the following configurations:

Do not mix normal volumes and data pool-VOLs in the same parity group.

Ensure that the data pool-VOLs consist of LDEVs from multiple parity groups.

Assign different processor blade identifiers to LDEVs that make up data

For more information about assigning the processor blade identifier, see
the HP XP P9000 Provisioning for Open Systems User Guide.

(For P-VOL, V-VOL, and data pool-VOLs) OPEN-V

Emulation type

V-VOL limit per P-VOL: 64

Pair configuration

Consistency group system requirements


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