HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance and Software User Manual

Page 89

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Monitoring Events


Storage Management Appliance Software V2.0 User Guide

Figure 51: Notification Events page

Select one or more event types on the current list table page and click

Properties or Configure to specify how the Management Appliance

completes notification and logging for events of those types. If you select

more than one event type, the Properties button is unavailable and you must

use Configure. See “

Using the Notification Configuration Page

,” on page 76

for more information.
If you select a single event type, you can click the Properties button. See

Using the Notification Properties Page

,” on page 74 for information about

using that page.
Hold the cursor over an event code to display a short pop-up description.
Click Clear to delete notification settings for any selected event types on the

table page currently displayed. See “

Clearing Notification Settings

,” on

page 78 for more information.
If the list table contains more that 100 event types and as a result has more

than one page, click Configure All to add notification settings for event types

on all pages of the list table. The Clear All button clears all notification

settings for all event types on all pages of the list table. The processes

associated with these two buttons ignore any selection of individual event

types (individual check marks).