Pair splitting methods, Prerequisites for splitting bc z pairs, Workflow for ensuring data consistency – HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 49: Workflow for ensuring data, Pair splitting

“BC Z pair resynchronization” (page 55)
“Sharing volumes with Auto LUN” (page 28)
“Workflow for ensuring data consistency” (page 49)
“Split Pairs wizard” (page 135)
Pair splitting methods
You can use one of the following methods to split pairs:
Steady Split: Copies the differential data to the S-VOL and then splits the pair. The split S-VOL
is identical to the P-VOL at the time of the split.
You cannot Steady Split pairs that are assigned to a CG.
Quick Split: The pair is split and then the differential data copy so that the S-VOL is immediately
available for read and write I/O. The XP7 storage system copies the remaining differential
data to the S-VOL.
BCM is required.
Consistency group pair-split: Simultaneously split all of the pairs in a CG. You can use this
method with RAID Manager, BCM, or IBM PPRC.
ATTIME Suspend: Simultaneously splits all of the pairs in a CG at a specific time. This method
can only be used with BCM.
Related topics
“Quick Split and Steady Split performance planning” (page 17)
“Splitting pairs with CSUSPEND and PPRCOPY SUSPEND” (page 94)
“Business Copy Z pair user tasks using IBM PPRC” (page 91)
“Workflow for consistency group pair-split” (page 52)
“Using ATTIME Suspend to split CG pairs at a specific time” (page 23)
Prerequisites for splitting BC Z pairs
The following are the prerequisites for splitting BC Z pairs:
The pair status must be one of the following:
(If you are splitting an existing pair) “DUPLEX” or “PENDING”
(If you are creating and then immediately splitting a pair) the volumes are unpaired
(The status of all pairs in a CG that you want to Quick Split) “DUPLEX”
If you are concerned with host I/O performance, check to make sure the I/O load is light.
For more information about checking I/O performance-related information, see the HP XP7
Remote Web Console User Guide.
Related topics
“Quick Split and Steady Split performance planning” (page 17)
“Guidelines for maximizing host I/O performance” (page 18)
Workflow for ensuring data consistency
Use the following workflow to ensure data consistency before splitting the pair:
Splitting BC Z pairs