HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 53

If you are sharing BC Z P-VOLs with Cnt Ac-S Z or Cnt Ac-J Z S-VOLs, for more
information about the requirements and restrictions for using CG pair-split with shared volumes,
“Requirements, restrictions, and guidelines for using consistency group pair-split with
shared BC Z and Cnt Ac-S Z or Cnt Ac-J Z volumes” (page 21)
Register the split time for the BC Z CG to indicate the time when you want to mirror the P-VOL
data in the S-VOL.
For more information about registering split times, see the Hitachi Business Continuity Manager
User Guide.
The split type changes to Quick Split and the BC Z pairs are simultaneously split. The registered
split time remains enabled even after you split the BC Z pairs. You can register a new split
time or reset the split time.
Discontinuing use of the remote storage system or turning off the remote storage
system’s power cancels the pair-split operation.
For more information about registering a new split time for the BC Z CG, see
registering new split times for BC Z consistency groups” (page 54)
For more information about resetting the split time, see
“Resetting split times” (page 54)
If the pair-split operation fails, perform troubleshooting for CG pair-split failures (see
“Troubleshooting consistency group pair-split failures” (page 86)
If you have specified a split time and you are splitting pairs with shared volumes, you must
complete the following:
Delete the split time for the BC Z pair that has an S-VOL related to the R-JNL.
Restore the pair. Complete one of the following:
- If you are using RWC, see
“Workflow for restoring BC Z pairs” (page 58)
- If you are using RAID Manager to run commands, run the following command on the
Cnt Ac-J Z pair:
pairresync -restore
For more information about this command, see the HP XP7 RAID Manager User Guide.
Create the pairs.
“Resynchronizing or restoring BC Z pairs” (page 58)
Related topics
“Restrictions for consistency group pair-split” (page 54)
“Pair splitting methods” (page 49)
For more information about splitting BC Z pairs in a CG using IBM PPRC, see
with CSUSPEND and PPRCOPY SUSPEND” (page 94)
Splitting BC Z pairs