Displaying the pim multicast cache for dit – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 119
Output fields from the show ip pim mcache command (Continued)
Shows the Profile ID associated with the Stream.
Number of matching
Shows the total number of mcache entries matching a particular multicast filter specified.
Outgoing interfaces
This section consists of three parts. L3 OIFs, L2OIFs and Blocked OIFs. And each
section has Format of L3/L2/Blocked followed by (HW/SW) followed by count of the
number of OIF in each section.
Additionally, each section displays the OIFs one per line. And shows the OIF in the
format eth/Tr(Vlan) followed by uptime/expiry time, followed by the Flags associated with
each OIF.
Shows whether the traffic is routed out of the interface.
Shows whether the traffic is switched out of the interface.
Shows whether the entry is hardware forwarded.
Shows whether the entry is software forwarded
Shows the outgoing interface on the specified VLAN.
Flags (explanation of
flags in the OIF section)
Shows the flags set in each of the Outgoing interface in abbreviated string format whose
explanations are as below. Legend of this shown at the top of each entry
IM - Immediate
IH - Inherited
MJ - Membership Join
MI - Membership Include
ME - Membership Exclude
BR - Blocked due to SG RPT
BA - Blocked due to Assert
BF - Blocked due to Filter
BI - Blocked IIF (Incoming interface) matches OIF
Shows the VLAN associated with the ingress interface.
Displaying the PIM multicast cache for DIT
To display the PIM multicast cache for a specified dit, enter the following command at any CLI level.
Brocade#show ip pim mcache dit-idx 2
IP Multicast Mcache Table
Entry Flags : SM - Sparse Mode, SSM - Source Specific Multicast, DM - Dense Mode
RPT - RPT Bit, SPT - SPT Bit, LSRC - Local Source, LRCV - Local
Displaying the PIM multicast cache for DIT
FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide