Yokogawa digitalYEWFLO (DY) User Manual
Page 50

IM 01F06A00-01EN
Select time unit from “/s(0), /m(1), /h(2), /d(3)”
[C45:FLOW SPAN] Flowrate span
Set the required span with a numerical value.
[C50:DAMPING] Damping time constant
Set damping time constant values from 0 to 99s.
(4) Item D (AUX. SETUP)
These items are for Auxiliary setup.
A value in “( )” is the data corresponding to indicator.
[D10:LOW CUT] Low-cut fl owrate
For D10 setting, be sure to set “NOMINAL SIZE”
in E10 fi rstly.
Set to noise elimination or zero fl ow in the low
fl owrate (or low frequency) range. The settable
range for low cut fl owrate is more than half-
minimum fl owrate.
In case that Reynolds adjustment (H25), Gas
expansion correction (H30) or select a break
point correction (H40) is necessary to set,
D10: LOW CUT must be set after the items
for compensations (H25, H30, H40) are set to
[D20:TEMP UNIT] Fluid temperature unit at
operating conditions
Select temperature unit at operating condition from
deg C (0), deg F (1).
[D21:TEMP f] Fluid temperature at
operating conditions
Set fl uid temperature at operating condition.
[D25:DENSITY UNIT] Density Unit of Flow
Select the unit of density from kg/m
(0), lb/cf(1), lb/
USgal(2), lb/UKgal(3).
[D26:DENSITY f] Density at normal
operation conditions
Set the density value of the fl uid at operating
condition for mass fl ow unit
[D30:OUT LIMIT] Limit value of output and
Set limit value of output from 100.0% to 110.0%
[D35:BURN OUT] Indication of the output
direction at burn out
This is indication of the output direction at burn
out. Refer to Subsection 10.1.6 “Setting of Burnout
Switch” when the output direction can be changed.
[D40:SPECIAL UNIT] Change to special
fl owrate unit
No(0) : Off the function
Yes(1) : Convert the fl ow unit for USER’S UNIT
The factor to convert the fl ow unit comes
from D43. The time unit comes from C40 or
Special(2) : Convert the fl ow unit and time unit for
The factor to convert the fl ow unit and
time unit comes from D43.
[D41:BASE UNIT] Indication of the base
fl owrate unit
Indication of the basic fl owrate unit when item D40
is “Yes(1)” or “Special(2)”.
[D42:USER'S UNIT] Free unit for users
Set in up to 8 alphanumeric characters when item
D40 is “Yes(1)” or “Special(2)”.
The character and sign which can be set up are the
same as C10.
[D43:CONV FACTOR] Conversion factor
Set the conversion factor when item D40 is “Yes(1)”
or “Special(2)”.
Set the conversion factor which is for both fl ow unit
and time unit in case of “Special(2)”.