Ransburg, Rcs-2 user manual - appendix – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual

Page 66

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Horn – In the top center of the panel is a horn that

indicates when the RCS-2 controller has turned

on the “Spray Shutdown” output for the gun.

Total Flow – This is an LCD display that indicates

the current flow rate out of the applicator (or appli-

cators, if multiple applicators are fed from one fluid

panel). It operates from an analog output signal

from the RCS-2 controller with 0 VDC being 0

cc’s/min and 10 VDC scaled to be 2000 cc’s/min.

Flow Control – This is a potentiometer that varies

the analog flow control voltage into the RCS-2

channel card from 0 volts DC to 10 volts DC.

Users can program what flow rate they want for

both extremes by using the Min. Flow and Max.

Flow parameters under the edit gun screen.

Faulted/Fault Reset – This is a red illuminated

pushbutton. The lamp will be illuminated any time a

fault occurs in the RCS-2, whether that fault causes

a spray shutdown condition or not. Pushing this

button resets any fault that has caused a spray

shutdown condition. It does not reset a non-fatal

fault (one that is disabled in the “Config. Alarms”

setup screen of the RCS-2). After resetting a fa-

tal fault, the user must then push the Ready/Run

pushbutton to put the gun back into run mode to

resume spraying. Note that this lamp will flicker

when the controller is folding back the outbound

pressure of the pumps.

Ready/Run – This is a green illuminated pushbut-

ton. Pushing this button puts a gun into run mode.

When in run mode, the green lamp is illuminated.

It is extinguished in ready, halted, or faulted state.

Guns in Flush Box – These are two LED’s that

indicate when up to two sprayguns are in their

respective flush boxes. A flush or load sequence

will not be allow to start until both of these indica-

tors are illuminated. These LED’s are connected

to four pressure switches, which are actuated by

the two flush boxes. (One indicates that the gun

is in the box and the other indicates that the flush

box is closed.) The signal from these pressure

switches also feeds the Paint Fill and Purge

pushbuttons to prevent color changes and purges

from occurring unless the guns are in their flush

boxes and the boxes are closed. These pressure

switches should be jumpered if gun flush boxes

are not to be used. There are jumpers on the PC

board inside the panel to bypass these pressure


Feather Reset – This is a simple pushbutton that

sends a Feather Reset signal back to the RCS-2

control console.

Spray Test – This is a simple pushbutton that

sends a trigger signal back to the RCS-2 channel

card and also turns on the trigger solenoid to allow

operators to verify and test flow, etc. (A valid color

must be loaded for this button to work.)

Jumpers – In the lower right corner of the PC board

inside the panel there are four jumpers labeled:

JMP1, JMP2, JMP3, and JMP4. If a single gun

flush box is being used, remove the jumper at

position JMP1. If two gun flush boxes are being

used, remove jumpers JMP1 and JMP2. JMP3

and JMP4 should always remain installed.

RCS-2 User Manual - Appendix


