Ransburg, Job totals function keys, F9: job totals – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual
Page 48: Rcs-2 user manual - operation

Total volume usage is recorded for each Job
number independent of each other. (The lower
half of the screen shows total volumes for all jobs
summed together.) Job totals are stored in two
independent registers, Daily Volume, and Year
to Date Volume. These volumes are in no way
tied to the clock or calendar, they simply are two
separately resetable volumes.
(Operators may wish to use the Daily Volume as
a Shift Volume and the Year to Date as a Weekly
Volume, etc.) Both volumes are incremented
when material flows.
Job Totals Function Keys
There are 11 function keys defined for use from
the Job Totals screen:
F1: Reset Total – This button allows the user to
reset the currently selected (highlighted) value.
F2: Reset Channel – This button allows the user to
reset the totals for the currently selected channel.
F3: Reset Gun - This button allows the user to
reset the totals for the currently selected gun. (If it
is a two channel gun, both channels will be reset.)
F7: Stop Time (-->) – This button allows the user
to move the stop-time cursor to the left.
F8: Stop Time (-->) – This button allows the user
to move the start-time cursor to the right.
F9: Start Stop (-->) – This button allows the user
to move both the start-time cursor and the stop-
time cursor at the same time to the right.
F10: Save Plot – This button allows the operator
to save the graph in a bitmap (.bmp) format for
later examination and printing. The operator is
given the option of saving the data to any writable
media. Users are cautioned against storing them
on the internal flash drive (drive C:\) as this drive
has limited space. The file name that is used for
the graph is based on the date and time that it is
It is in the form of: AABBCCDD.bmp, where…
AA = Month
BB = Day of month
CC = Number of hours since midnight
DD = Minutes since last hour
Data Displays: At the top of the graphing screen
there may be as many as 6 white boxes with data
in them. The center two boxes indicate the time
of the start and stop cursors (start on top, stop on
bottom). The other 4 boxes indicate the value of
the graphed variable at the point where the cursors
are currently positioned.
F9: Job Totals
When F9 is selected from the main screen, the
operator is prompted to enter a Job number. Once
this has been done, the following screen appears.
RCS-2 User Manual - Operation