Ransburg, F3: config channel – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual

Page 38

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Auto Reset

This allows the user to enable or disable the auto

fault reset feature. While enabled, anytime a gun

fault occurs, it can be automatically reset by simply

turning off the gun trigger signal and turning it back

on. (This allows a handgun operator the ability to

reset a fault without returning to a control panel.)

Note: All trigger signals for that gun must remain

off for at least 0.5 second to cause a reset.

There are six function buttons defined for use from

the Gun Parameters Screen:

F1: Modify - This button allows the user to step

through the possible options for this parameter or

presents a numeric keypad if a numerical value

is required.

F2: Previous Gun – This button opens the

Gun Configuration screen for the previous gun.

Note that any data changed on this screen prior

to pushing this button will be lost if F5 (Send to

RCS-2) is not used.

F3: Next Gun – This button opens the Gun Con-

figuration screen for the next gun. Note that any

data changed on this screen prior to pushing this

button will be lost if F5 (Send to RCS-2) is not used.

F5: Send to RCS-2 - This button takes the data

displayed on the current screen and sends it to the

interface card where it is then stored in non-volatile

memory. Any changes made to the parameters on

this screen will be lost if the screen is exited prior

to sending it to the interface card using this button.

F9: Read in File - This button allows operators

to load the parameters contained on this screen

from a floppy disk, internal flash memory, USB

memory, or CDRom. They are stored in a file



F10: Save to File -This button allows oeprators to

save the parameters on this screen to a floppy disk,

internal flash memory, USB memory, or CDROM.

They are stored in a file named


F3: Config Channel

When F3 is selected from the Main Screen, the

operator will be prompted to select the gun num-

ber they wish to examine or edit parameters for

(and if it is a two channel gun whether they wish

to access the master or the slave channel for that

gun). At that time, the following screen will appear:

Fill Enable

Allowable settings for this parameter are: Yes

or No.

This parameter allows the operator to enable or

disable the channel fill button on the top of the

Main Screen. This allows a supervisor to prevent

a gun from being put into channel fill mode without

the operator knowing the password. (This prevents

an applicator that is being used in production from

applying the wrong flow rate or ratio of material.)


This setting has no effect on Fast Fill.


RCS-2 User Manual - Operation


