Ransburg, Motor amplifier panels, Rcs-2 user manual - introduction – Ransburg RCS 2 Ratio Control System User Manual
Page 11

On the top of the main control console there are
up to eight 26-pin military-style connectors, one
for each channel. These
I/O connectors allow
the main control console to be interfaced with
the motor amplifer panel(s) via the 26-conductor
"umbilical cables". Also, on the top of the main
control panel are two Ethernet connectors used
to connect to the interface card and user interface
Motor Amplifier Panels
The Motor Amplifer Panels act as the interface
between the CPU on the channel cards and the
"real world" devices such as motors, pressure
transducers, and flow switches. They house the
following items:
• Motor Drive Amplifiers
• E to P Pressure Transducers
• Zener Barriers
• Interface Modules for Flow Sensor
• 24 VDC Power Supply
• Corr-Com Power Filter
• Control Relay
• Terminal Strip
• Optional Color Change Sequencer
motor drive amplifiers convert a 0 to 10
VDC signal from the channel cards to a propor-
tional RPM (0 to 150) at the motors. They also
receive the feedback from the resolvers attached
to the motors. In this way, they can generate a
fault if the actual motor RPM does not match the
target RPM.
E to P pressure transducers convert a 0 to
10 VDC signal or optionally a 4 to 20 mA signal
from the channel cards to a proportional 0 to 100
psi air signal. This signal is used to pilot fluid
regulators on the inlet of the pumps, allowing the
channel card to control the inlet pressure of the
The optional
Zener barriers make the pressure
sensors and the optional Remote Operator's Panel
intrinsically safe for use inside the spray area.
The optional
catalyst flow sensor interface
module powers and monitors the flow sensor
interface card houses a Rabbit 2000
embedded processor. This board performs the
following functions:
• It handles all communications between
the user-interface computer and the chan-
• It stores all parameter data in battery-
• Has an Ethernet port used to communi-
cate with the user-interface PC and the
color change sequencer.
• Handles all discrete system I/O (job num-
ber inputs, strobe inputs, system fault out-
channel card houses a Motorola
MC68HC16 embedded processor. These boards
perform the following funtions:
• Controls all gun and channel specific dis-
crete inputs and outputs.
• Controls all gun and channel specific ana-
log inputs and outputs.
• Holds firmware for PID loops that control
motor amplifiers.
• Holds firmware for PID loops that control
inlet pressure transducers.
LCD touch-screen display is a 15" di-
ag-onal, full color LCD display with 1024 by 768
pixel resolution.
There is one
DC power supply housed in the
main control console. It supplies 24 VDC for
all discrete I/O signals and for the boards in the
control rack.
ribbon cable interface boards provide easy
screw-terminal access to all analog and digital input
and output signals. They also provide specific test
points to allow easy connection of test devices
and data acquisition equipment.
terminal strip is used for connecting AC
power to the unit and for access to the 24 VDC
power supply for external I/O devices. The ter-
minal strip has two
fuses, one for the incoming
AC power and one for the 24 VDC control power.
On the buttom of the terminal strip is a Corr-Com
power filter for the incoming AC.
RCS-2 User Manual - Introduction